Bilkent University Quality Management in Education

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Courses in IE Graduate Elective
# Course Code Course Name Credits ECTS
1 EEE 548 Reinforcement Learning and Dynamic Programming 3 5 Syllabus
2 IE 500 Mathematics of Operations Research 3 5 Syllabus
3 IE 505 Mathematical Programming 3 5 Syllabus
4 IE 513 Linear Programming 3 5 Syllabus
5 IE 514 Network Flows 3 5 Syllabus
6 IE 515 Convex Analysis 3 5 Syllabus
7 IE 518 Discrete Optimization 3 5 Syllabus
8 IE 521 Stochastic Processes 3 5 Syllabus
9 IE 523 Probabilistic Analysis 3 5 Syllabus
10 IE 528 Dynamic Programming 3 5 Syllabus
11 IE 530 Advanced Logistics Modeling and Optimization 3 5 Syllabus
12 IE 534 Stochastic Models in Operations Research 3 5 Syllabus
13 IE 535 Stochastic and Risk-Sensitive Optimization 3 5 Syllabus
14 IE 536 Modeling and Optimization of Energy Systems 3 5 Syllabus
15 IE 540 Financial Engineering 3 5 Syllabus
16 IE 543 Multiple Criteria Decision Making 3 5 Syllabus
17 IE 546 Continuous-Time Finance 3 5 Syllabus
18 IE 551 Applied Statistics 3 5 Syllabus
19 IE 552 Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Data Analysis 3 5 Syllabus
20 IE 553 Applied Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis 3 5 Syllabus
21 IE 556 Reinforcement Learning and Dynamic Programming 3 5 Syllabus
22 IE 561 Manufacturing Systems 3 5 Syllabus
23 IE 568 Theory of Pricing and Revenue Management 3 5 Syllabus
24 IE 571 Analytical Models for Supply Chain Management 3 5 Syllabus
25 IE 573 Theory of Machine Scheduling 3 5 Syllabus
26 IE 586 Computational Optimization 3 5 Syllabus
27 IE 614 Nonlinear Programming 3 5 Syllabus