Bilkent University Quality Management in Education

Bachelor of Science in Tourism and Hotel Management



Qualification Awarded

Bachelor of Science in Tourism and Hotel Management

Level of Qualification

First Cycle Degree

Mode of Study

Full Time

Admission & Registration Requirements

To begin undergraduate studies at Bilkent, all Turkish citizens must take the entrance examination YKS, administered by the national Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM). Based on the results of YKS, ÖSYM places students according to their preferences.

All international students who want to apply to Bilkent University for an undergraduate program have to go through an admission procedure. Various national exams and diplomas are used in evaluating the candidates.

In absence of these documents, the high school graduation score can also be evaluated for admission. The high school diploma and transcript along with an explanation of the high school's grading system will be needed.

English is the language of teaching at Bilkent University. Applicants are required to provide proof of their proficiency in English. Students whose level of English is insufficient to follow courses are required to enroll in the School of English Language.

Assessment of Student Performance

Apart from work conducted throughout the semester, students are usually asked to take a final examination and at least one midterm examination for a course. If a staff member considers it appropriate, practical laboratory work or other such assignments may be assessed as midterm examinations or as a final examination.

Grades are finalized when they are announced via the internet on the date specified in the Academic Calendar. Semester grades for practical studies and other non-lecture courses are determined by an evaluation of the student's overall work and performance throughout the semester.

Bilkent University's official grading system uses letter grades with pluses and minuses. Passing grades range from A+ to D; F, FX is failing. The quality-point equivalents of the grades are:

  A+   4.00   B+   3.30   C+   2.30   D+   1.30   F   0.00
  A   4.00   B   3.00   C   2.00   D   1.00   FX   0.00
  A-   3.70   B-   2.70   C-   1.70           FZ   0.00

Other grades used are S (Satisfactory), U (Unsatisfactory), I (Incomplete), P (In Progress), T (Transfer), and W (Withdraw). These grades do not have quality-point equivalents.

S : accorded to students who are successful in non-credit courses.
U : accorded to students who are unsuccessful in non-credit courses.
I : accorded to students who, although otherwise successful, have failed to complete the required assignments for a course due to illness or some other valid reason. Proof of illness or other reason for non-completion must be submitted to the department chair within three days of the date of the final exam. A student receiving an incomplete grade for any course must make up for the deficiencies within 15 days after the final exam in order to obtain a grade. Otherwise, the grade I automatically becomes FX. At the discretion of the department chair, the period specified above may be extended until the beginning of the following semester.
P : progress.
T : reflects approved transferred courses from other universities or from an exchange program. A student with a grade of T is exempted from an equivalent number of credits on the condition that the courses are accepted by the department on the recommendation of the department chair and with the approval of the board of the faculty/school. This grade may provide an exemption for a particular course at the program.
W : student has withdrawn from the course before the end of the semester.

A student with extraordinary performance in a course may be granted an A+ grade. However, the number of A+ grades in a given course is limited based on class size: If the class size is less than 25 students, no A+ grades may be given; if the class size is between 25 and 74 students, only one A+ grade may be given; if the class size is between 75 and 124 students, two A+ grades may be given; if the class size is between 125 and 174 students, three A+ grades may be given; if the class size is between 175 and 225 students, four A+ grades may be given; if the class size is more than 225 students, five A+ grades may be given. (The letter grade A+ was instituted beginning with the 2010-2011 academic year.)

An undergraduate student who receives a grade of C or higher in a course (or S in a non-credit course) is considered to have satisfactorily completed that course.

A student who receives a grade of C-, D+, or D in a course can only be considered to have completed that course if his/her Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is 2.00 or higher.

A student receiving either F, FX, FZ, or U in a course is considered to be unsuccessful in that course. Students who have failed a course in the curriculum program must repeat the course within the following two semesters. Those who fail first year English courses must repeat these courses the very next semester they are offered. The university may register a student to these courses and not allow for a course to be dropped. Students on probation who received C-, D+ or D grades in previous semesters may repeat any of these courses.

In addition to taking the required courses in a given semester, students with "Satisfactory" standing may also repeat courses taken in the previous two semesters for which they received a B-, C+, C, C-, D+ or D grade, provided there is room in the section. Registration to these courses takes place on the dates as announced by the Rectorate.

On condition that at least one course of all curriculum requirements of an elective set has already been taken, an elective course from this elective set can be taken in place of courses taken before for this elective requirement. In this case, the previously taken elective course will appear in the transcript but will not be included in the CPA calculation. Once established, such course matching cannot be changed. The previously taken elective course can be repeated to fulfill another curriculum requirement.

A student's academic performance is determined at the end of each semester by computing an average of the grades he/she has received during that semester. For each course, the grade point equivalent of the letter grade received by the student is multiplied by the credit units for that course; the sum of these products is then divided by the total credit units taken in that semester to yield the Grade Point Average (GPA) for that semester. The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is calculated by multiplying the grade point equivalent of the letter grade by the credit units for each course and then dividing the total sum by the total credit units taken in the program.

National Degree Qualifications

Personal Services Main Area Basic Field Qualifications (Professional) - 6th Level - Bachelor's
- Theoretical
- Conceptual
- Cognitive
- Practical
Competence to Work
Independently and
Take Responsibility
Learning Competence Communication and Social
Field Specific Competence
6th Level Bachelor's

6th Level

1st Cycle
Qualifications that signify completion of the sixth cycle are awarded to students who
K1. Has comprehensive and systematic knowledge of concepts, theories, principles, and facts in the field of study and related disciplines.
K2. Has knowledge of service delivery processes and procedures in the field of study.
K3. Has knowledge of internal and external environmental factors of the field, related organizations, organizational divisions, management, policies, strategies and their relations and interactions with each other.
K4. Has a basic level of knowledge on research methods specific to the field of study.
K5. Has knowledge of legal regulations, professional standards and practices in the field of study.
K6. Has detailed knowledge of his/her work or profession in the field of study.
K7. Has knowledge of important problems and alternative solutions both in the field of study and related fields.
S1. Applies and interprets knowledge, theories and models in the field and close disciplines related with the field in the workplace and in general.
S2. Makes rational analysis, interprets, contributes and adapts to the changes, follows the developments both in internal and external environments of the organizations operating in the field of study.
S3. Fulfills managerial functions such as planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling in the field.
S4. Analyzes, plans, implements, and supervises the service delivery process in the field of study and, if necessary, redesign and improves the service delivery process.
S5. Uses the service policies and strategies in the field of study, fulfills, reviews, develops, evaluates the service processes for satisfying the consumer; solves the problems affecting service processes, uses and develops instruments to measure consumer satisfaction.
S6. Plans and carry out projects and researches by using appropriate research methods related with issues and problems in the field and presents the results clearly and in an understandable manner.
S7. Recognizes and uses the physical environment, equipment, tools and technology in the field of study and protects them by carrying out the necessary maintenance.
S8. Analyses the problems related with the field by using the known techniques; evaluates different options critically in solving complex and unpredictable problems.
S9. Follows the developments and applications in the field and uses them in practice.
S10. Deduces abstract and theoretical implications from the applications in the field.
S11. Makes self-evaluation.
W1. Works independently and with others in an effective manner.
W2. Works as a team member, takes responsibility and can manage a project.
W3. Develops professional knowledge and skills of people with whom he/she works together and makes performance appraisals.
W4. Creative and autonomous in solving problems and able to make decisions in complex and unforeseen situations.
W5. Manages and transforms the complex and unforeseen service processes that require new strategic approaches.
W6. Manages both himself/herself and the time and critically evaluates himself/herself.
W7. Manages technical and occupational activities or projects under complex and unforeseen situations in the field of study.
W8. Supports career developments of people or groups working under his/her supervision.
L1. Able to learn independently in order to improve professional knowledge, skills and competencies.
L2. Follows the current professional developments in the field of study both at national and international level.
L3. Develops knowledge, skills and competencies constantly to take further responsibility for both personal and professional development.
L4. Develops and updates the knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of study with a life-long-learning perspective.
C1. Establishes interpersonal and intercultural communication effectively and conducts team work.
C2. Presents information, discussion and analysis in various ways to both the experts and non-specialists.
C3. Communicates both verbally and in a written way at least at the B1 level of European Language Portfolio in a foreign language.
C4. Uses relevant software, information and communication technologies in the field of study at least at the advanced level of European Computer User License.
F1. Conducts health, security and risk assessments regularly related to the field and collects data for this purpose.
F2. Fulfills the works within the framework of laws and professional standards.
F3. Adheres to the ethical values related to the field and has the social responsibility.
F4. Has sufficient consciousness on privacy and confidentiality of private lives of people to whom services are delivered and takes measures for this purpose.
F5. Takes into consideration the human health, social and ecological environment while performing works related to the field.
F6. Considers basic human rights and liberty, shows sensitivity to intercultural and interpersonal differences; tolerates and respects to those differences.
F7. Interprets the laws and regulations in the field and approaches to current assumptions in a critical manner.
F8. Pays attention to personal care, hygiene, and clothing as required by the profession.

Education Objectives

As leaders in the tourism industry, our graduates will be distinguished; ◾With their knowledge and skills while exploiting various professional and entrepreneurial opportunities in an ethical and sustainable manner. ◾With their desire and awareness for continuous life-long learning; improving themselves and others as well as responding to the ever-changing needs of the industry. ◾With their ability to create an impact in the industry through effective communication, teamwork and social responsibility.

Program Outcomes

    Program Outcomes/Degree Qualification Matrix

     Program Outcomes

    Program Curriculum

    First Year
    Autumn Semester
    Course Code Course Name Hours Credits Prerequisite Options
    Lecture Lab/Studio
    Bilkent ECTS
    CTIS 186 Business Computer Applications 3 0 3 5
    ENG 101 English and Composition I 5 0 3 5
    GE 100 Orientation 0 0 1 2
    THM 105 Service Business Management 3 0 3 5
    THM 106 Principles of Accounting 3 0 3 5
    THM 125 Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality in the Digital Age 3 0 3 5
    TURK 101 Turkish I 0 0 2 3,5
    Spring Semester
    Course Code Course Name Hours Credits Prerequisite Options
    Lecture Lab/Studio
    Bilkent ECTS
    ECON 103 Principles of Economics 4 0 3 5
    ENG 102 English and Composition II 5 0 3 5 ELS 101 or ENG 101 or ENG 103
    MATH 105 Introduction to Calculus I 4 0 4 6,5
    TURK 102 Turkish II 0 0 2 3,5
    Computer Skills Core Elective 3
    Restricted Second Foreign Language-(I) 3
    Second Year
    Autumn Semester
    Course Code Course Name Hours Credits Prerequisite Options
    Lecture Lab/Studio
    Bilkent ECTS
    GE 250 Collegiate Activities Program I 0 0 0 1
    HIST 200 History of Turkey 3 0 4 6,5
    THM 168 Nutrition and Sanitation 3 0 3 5
    THM 243 Rooms Division Management 3 0 3 5
    THM 245 Purchasing and Cost Analysis 3 0 3 5
    THM 247 Food and Beverage Management 3 0 3 5
    Restricted Second Foreign Language-(II) 3
    Spring Semester
    Course Code Course Name Hours Credits Prerequisite Options
    Lecture Lab/Studio
    Bilkent ECTS
    CTIS 285 Hospitality Industry Computerization 3 0 3 5
    CTIS 286 Food and Beverage Computer Applications 3 0 3 5 THM 245
    GE 251 Collegiate Activities Program II 0 0 1 2 GE 250
    THM 244 Food Production Techniques 0 4 3 5
    THM 246 Restaurant Service 0 6 3 5
    Advanced Writing and Communications Core Elective 3
    Restricted Second Foreign Language-(III) 3
    Third Year
    Autumn Semester
    Course Code Course Name Hours Credits Prerequisite Options
    Lecture Lab/Studio
    Bilkent ECTS
    HCIV 101 History of Civilization I 3 0 3 5
    THM 300 Summer Internship 0 0 0 8
    THM 303 Statistics and Quantitative Methods 3 0 3 5 MATH 105 or THM 164
    THM 309 Principles of Marketing 3 0 3 5
    THM 323 International Cuisines 0 6 3 5 THM 244 or THS 221
    General Elective 3
    Restricted Elective 3
    Spring Semester
    Course Code Course Name Hours Credits Prerequisite Options
    Lecture Lab/Studio
    Bilkent ECTS
    HCIV 102 History of Civilization II 3 0 3 5
    THM 409 Tourism Law 3 0 3 5
    THM 415 Finance 3 0 3 5
    THM 416 Revenue Management and Data Analytics 3 0 3 5 THM 243
    General Elective 3
    Humanities Core Elective 3
    Fourth Year
    Autumn Semester
    Course Code Course Name Hours Credits Prerequisite Options
    Lecture Lab/Studio
    Bilkent ECTS
    THM 310 Semester Internship 0 0 9 20 THM 300
    Spring Semester
    Course Code Course Name Hours Credits Prerequisite Options
    Lecture Lab/Studio
    Bilkent ECTS
    THM 418 Senior Project 3 0 3 5
    THM 419 Strategic Management in Hospitality 3 0 3 5
    THM 423 Tourism Economics 3 0 3 5 ECON 103 or (ECON 105 and ECON 106)
    Arts Core Elective 3
    General Elective 3
    Science Core Elective 3

    Elective Courses in the Curriculum

    Elective Count Program Outcomes Options
    Advanced Writing and Communications Core Elective 1  
    Arts Core Elective 1  
    Computer Skills Core Elective 1  
    General Elective 3  
    Humanities Core Elective 1  
    Restricted Elective 1  
    Restricted Second Foreign Language-(I) 1  
    Restricted Second Foreign Language-(II) 1  
    Restricted Second Foreign Language-(III) 1  
    Science Core Elective 1